Lavender Axolotl: Full Species Overview (With Pictures!)
The axolotl is a permanently aquatic salamander known for its ability to regenerate lost body parts and its use in tissue regeneration research.
The Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), also sometimes called the Mexican walking fish, is a permanently aquatic salamander. They are generally dark gray or black in color, with some individuals exhibiting a pronounced mottling or marbling pattern such as the lavender or silver dalmatian, golden yellow and mosaic Axolotl.
The Lavender Axolotl gets its name from the striking lavender coloration of its skin, which ranges from pale pink to vivid purple and is the result of a genetic mutation.
In this blog, we’ll take a look at everything you need to know about the Lavender Axolotl, from its background and behavior to its diet and care requirements.
Characteristics of a Lavender Axolotl
The Lavender Axolotl is a permanently aquatic salamander also known as the "Silver Dalmatian Axolotl". This fascinating amphibian is mainly characterized by a pale slender body with small, horn-like protrusion on their head and small, feathery gills that they use to breathe underwater.
As their name suggests, Lavender Axolotls are typically of a pale lavender color or a deep purple hue, but they can also be mottled brown, gray, golden or black.
They are often confused with albino Axolotls, but unlike albinos, lavenders maintain some pigment in their skin. This specific coloration is caused by a genetic mutation that results in the partial loss of melanin, which is the pigment responsible for coloration amongst animals.
Lavender Axolotls can typically reach a length of 10-12 inches (25-30 cm) and are known to grow up to 18 inches (45 cm) in captivity. They can be kept in freshwater aquariums with a variety of other species of fish and amphibians. When housing multiple Axolotls together, it is important to provide plenty of hiding places so that they can avoid aggressive behavior.
The lavender species are relatively uncommon in the wild, but they are widely available in the pet trade. While they are often sold as "miniature" or "teacup" size, it is important to remember that these animals can and will grow to their full size if given the proper care.
In captivity, Axolotls typically have a lifespan of 10-15 years, although it is not uncommon for them to live 20 years or more. Given their long lifespan and potential size, prospective owners should make sure they are prepared to provide the Axolotl with a spacious enclosure and plenty of food.
Temperament & Behaviors
When it comes to temperament, Lavender Axolotls are generally shy and reclusive. They are not aggressive, and will often try to hide if they feel threatened. However, they are curious creatures and will sometimes approach humans or other animals out of curiosity. If you are lucky enough to encounter a Lavender Axolotl in the wild, it is best to simply observe from a distance and enjoy this unique creature.
Nocturnal vs Diurnal
Axolotls are nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active at night. However, they will often become active during the day if there is food available. Usually, Lavender Axolotls will spend most of their time resting on the bottom of their tank, since they are not very active and do not require lots of space.
They are generally solitary creatures, only coming together to mate. When mating season arrives, a male Lavender Axolotl will actively court a female by waving his tail and touching her with his snout. If the female is receptive, she will allow the male to approach her and deposit a spermatophore on the ground.
The pair then floats away to give the eggs time to hatch in peace. Lavender Axolotls will breed in late spring, laying eggs that will take approximately three weeks to hatch into tadpoles.
Male vs Female
Male and female Lavender Axolotls can be distinguished by their external anatomy. Males have broader heads and thicker tails than females, while females have longer dorsal fins that extend all the way to the tip of their tails. Females also tend to be slightly larger than males, reaching an average total length of 30-40 cm (12-16 inches), compared to 25-35 cm (10-14 inches) for males. In both sexes, the cloaca (the common opening for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems) is located at the base of the tail.
Dietary Requirements
The diet of a Lavender Axolotl in captivity is actually quite simple and easy to maintain. In the wild, they are opportunistic eaters that will consume whatever food sources are available to them. This includes things like small invertebrates, fish, worms, tadpoles, and other amphibians.
In captivity, however, they can be easily fed a diet of frozen or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, blackworms, and other similar foods. Adults can also be offered larger prey items such as tadpoles, frogs, and newts. It is important to offer a variety of food sources in order to ensure proper nutrition and prevent boredom.
Although Axolotls are not very fussy eaters, there are a few things you should avoid feeding them. First, their skin can be irritated by dry food, so it is best to avoid it altogether. Second, too much protein in their diet can lead to liver and kidney damage, so it's advisable to measure the amount of protein they consume. Lastly, live food that is larger than their head could pose a choking hazard or cause other injuries, so avoid feeding them anything larger than what they can safely consume.
As with any pet, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before making any changes to the diet. This is especially true for Axolotls, as they are a sensitive species that can be easily impacted by dietary changes.
For this reason, it is always best to slowly introduce new foods into the diet and monitor the Axolotl closely for any signs of distress. With proper care and attention, Lavender Axolotls make wonderful pets that can provide years of enjoyment.
Can you keep a Lavender Axolotl as a pet?
Lavender Axolotls are a stunningly beautiful and relatively rare color morph of the common Axolotl, and though they cost more than the average Axolotl, their care requirements are the same. These animals are generally quite simple to care for, but they do require a specific number of conditions to be met in order to thrive.
Tank Requirements & Setup
Temperature Parameters
Axolotls prefer to live in still, shallow water that is kept at mild temperatures (around 59-63°F). A submersible chiller may be necessary to maintain the desired temperature, especially in warmer environments.
Substrate Recommendations
Axolotls should be provided with hiding spaces and plenty of substrates, such as large rocks, driftwood, and aquatic plants. For an optimal habitat, choose natural fine sand to mimic their natural surroundings. Clean play sand can also offer an excellent balance between safety and familiarity. If you're inclined towards rocks, select large, smooth varieties, ensuring they exceed the size of your axolotl's head. For a practical and clean solution, slate or ceramic tiles will provide grip, reduce impaction risks, and simplify maintenance.
Substrates to Avoid
Steer clear of sharp or small substrates, such as crushed rock or quartz, which could harm axolotls' skin or lead to ingestion concerns. Glass stones and marbles might appear appealing but will ultimately pose risks of ingestion. Similarly, steer clear of reptile moss mats or fake grass, as they might release toxins and negatively affect water quality.
Tank Size
The tank in itself should be large enough to accommodate the Axolotl while still providing adequate swimming space. In general, a 10-gallon aquarium is suitable for one adult Axolotl, but larger tanks may be preferable, since they tend to produce a significant amount of waste. By doing this, your aquarium will be easier to clean and stay neat for longer periods of time. Finally, as a general rule of thumb, Axolotls do not require a specific species only tank, as they are able to dwell in any large aquatic aquarium.
Water Quality & Filtration
Axolotls are sensitive to water conditions and require well-filtered, dechlorinated water to remain healthy. The water must be regularly tested and filtered to maintain acceptable ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and pH levels. Thus, water changes of about 50-75% should be done on a bi-weekly basis to remove any debris or uneaten food that may have accumulated.
Feeding Instructions
Axolotls are carnivores, so they require a diet high in protein and a variety of other nutritious foods to ensure proper health and prevent boredom. As mentioned earlier, they can be easily fed a diet of frozen or live foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and earthworms.
They should only be fed once per day and no more than their stomach can fit in one single meal. Any uneaten food should be removed from the tank after a few minutes to avoid water contamination.
Feeding the Axolotl smaller meals more frequently is recommended, as overfeeding can lead to health problems. It is also important to vary their diet and provide them with different kinds of foods, such as small pieces of fish, boiled chicken or beef heart every few weeks.
As with all animals, introducing new foods too quickly can cause digestive problems and even poisoning, so caution should be used when trying out unfamiliar foods. For this reason, it's a good practice to give new food items in small portions and gradually increase the amount as the Axolotl gets used to them.
Finally, it is important to remember that a healthy Lavender Axolotl needs a regular supply of calcium and other minerals. This can be provided in the form of crushed cuttlebone or vitamin supplements added directly to their food.
Overall Lavender Axolotl Care & Handling
Lavender Axolotls tend to be a very delicate species, so they should only be handled once acclimated to the environment. They have a slippery skin that can be easily damaged, so handling them requires caution. When cleaning the aquarium, avoid touching or disturbing your Axolotl directly. Instead, use a net to gently scoop out any debris or waste that has accumulated on the bottom of the tank.
It's important to avoid startling or stressing them out, so be sure to give them plenty of hiding places in the aquarium and always keep a close eye on them when handling. If an Axolotl shows signs of stress (such as erratic swimming patterns or refusing food) it is best to stop handling them and let them rest.
Axolotls may sometimes float on their back, which is usually a sign of stress or illness. If this happens, gently place the Axolotl in an upright position and observe them for any other signs of distress. If the floating persists, it might be best to consult a vet.
If you're looking to find more ways to make your pet Axolotl happier, designing an engaging environment with decorations and toys can be beneficial. They enjoy exploring their habitat and playing with items such as rocks or aquatic plants. Providing them with mental stimulation is just as important as providing the essentials for physical health, so make sure to offer them plenty to keep them busy and entertained!
How Much Does A Lavender Axolotl Cost?
Lavender Axolotls are considered a relatively rare color morph and can be quite expensive, as their dark pigmentation may add to their overall price tag.
An average adult Lavender Axolotl could cost upwards of 100$, however for some of the rarest color morphs like deep purple or even glowing-bodies, your wallet may take quite the hit with some individuals being priced close to $250 each!
In general, the price is determined by age and gender, meaning that babies will typically cost less than an adult, with females costing more than males due to their slightly bigger size and the unique complexities of successfully breeding them.
What are some FAQs about The Axolotls as a Species?
Q: Are Axolotls land dwelling or fully aquatic creatures?
A: Unlike other amphibians, Axolotls remain in their larval form throughout their entire lives, meaning they are able to use their gills as oxygen delivery systems underwater. As a result, Axolotls will never leave the water for land-dwelling habitats unlike many other species of amphibian. For these reasons, Axolotls can be referred to as fully aquatic creatures.
Q: Do Axolotls need a filter?
A: While not strictly necessary, a filter can help to keep the water clean and provide some additional current which may interest your Axolotl. It’s important to choose an aquarium filter that is appropriate for the tank size as well as one that won’t create too much current for your pet to handle. The filter should also have adjustable flow settings so you can adjust it as needed. Regular partial water changes will still be necessary to maintain the quality of the water and prevent the buildup of ammonia which can be dangerous for your pet's health.
Q: What can I use as a substrate for my Axolotl's tank?
A: The best substrate for an Axolotl tank is aquarium-safe sand or gravel that is sized small enough so that your pet won’t swallow it. Avoid using any rocks, shells or other decorations that could be ingested. As with any substrate, you should also clean it out periodically to prevent the buildup of debris and waste. If you choose to use a live plant, opt for one that is sturdy enough to withstand some digging and won’t release toxins into the water. Lastly, make sure there are plenty of hiding spots such as rocks, plants or other decorations for your pet to explore.
Q: Can Axolotls regrow their limbs?
A: Yes, Axolotls are capable of regenerating lost body parts, including their limbs, spinal cord, heart, and even parts of their brain! The regenerative ability of these creatures is so great that they can even regrow lost eyesight.
Q: How large can an Axolotl get?
A: Axolotls typically reach a size of between 8 and 12 inches, with some individuals reaching up to 15 or even 20 inches in length.
Q: How fast are Axolotls?
A: Axolotls typically move at a leisurely pace, though they are capable of reaching speeds of up to 2 mph in short bursts if the need arises. Generally speaking, Axolotls will paddle along the bottom of their tank or swim slowly through the water in search of food.
Q: Can Axolotls change their color?
A: Yes, Axolotls are able to change their color depending on their environment and their mood. Generally speaking, they will become darker if the water temperature is too cold or if there is not enough oxygen in the water. Conversely, they may become lighter if there is an abundance of food or if they feel safe and secure.
Q: Do Axolotls have teeth?
A: Yes, Axolotls have small pointed teeth in their lower jaws that are used for grasping prey. While they don’t use their teeth to chew food, they can still cause damage if handled without care. For this reason, it’s important to handle them gently and never pick them up by the head or tail.
Q: Are Axolotls dangerous?
A: No, Axolotls are not known to cause any harm. They are generally peaceful and calm animals that only become aggressive if they feel threatened. It is important to handle them with care and avoid rough play or aggression. Otherwise, they can be gentle and affectionate pets.
Q: Are Axolotls social animals?
A: Generally, Axolotls are solitary creatures but they can live with others of the same species as long as they have plenty of room to swim and explore. Always keep in mind that these animals don’t do well in overcrowded tanks so make sure your tank is large enough for all of your pets before adding any new ones. In most cases, it’s best to keep one Axolotl per tank to ensure they have the space and resources they need.
Q: What is the difference between a wild Axolotl and one bred in captivity?
A: Generally speaking, wild Axolotls live much shorter lives than those bred in captivity. Additionally, captive-bred Axolotls are often larger and of a higher quality due to the extra care and attention provided by their owners. Captive-bred Axolotls also have better access to a nutritious diet, leading to healthier offspring with a greater chance of survival.
Final thoughts : Are Lavender Axolotls good pets?
Overall, Lavender Axolotls make wonderful pets for those who are willing to provide them with the necessary care and attention. With the right tank conditions, diet, and environment, these unique creatures can thrive in captivity and provide a rewarding pet experience. If you're considering getting an Axolotl, make sure to research this rare species thoroughly and be prepared for the responsibility that comes with pet ownership. With proper care, your pet Axolotl could live a long and happy life!
Maxim Suleman
My lifelong love for animals has led me to share my expertise in exotic pets. From parrots and crabs to turtles, hedgehogs, and cats, I've cherished each unique companion.
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